Training Series (Year 5)Its up to you!! Get involved and make your
Hearing Conservation Program a success!! 1.
Why is Hearing Conservation important to me? First and foremost, a noise induced hearing loss is never reversible.
The hearing you have when you were born can never be recreated. 2.
What are the major causes of noise-induced hearing loses? Even thou2h millions of workers are exposed to work place noise every
day, the major causes are still music
and gunfire. It is very important that you practice hearing conservation at home
as well as at work. 3.
How do I know if I am being exposed to too much noise off the job? There are two rules of thumb, (1) If the noise level is loud enough for
von to have to raise your voice to communicate with another person three feet
away or, (2) after leaving a noisy area and your ears seem to ring, or sound
muffled, the noise you are being exposed to is too loud! 4.
How does hearing protectors work? Hearing protectors reduce the intensity of the sound waves entering the
ears thereby reducing the ~volume. They dont keep you from hearing
anything - they just reduce the volume to a non-destructive level. The amount of
attenuation depends on the style, shape, size, and materials the plug is made
of. The (NRR) Noise Reduction Rating is: The amount of noise that protectors will attenuate when worn properly. 5.
How does the annual hearing test benefit me? |